We love riding bikes the most, but there are other ways to have fun...

The Chilton Motorcycle Club was formed in 1978 by a number of training instructors involved with the RAC / ACU novice training scheme. Many of these instructors were advanced riders themselves and introduced the club's emphasis on high standards of riding.
The club quickly became well respected amongst the local biking community and became, and still are, affiliated to the BMF (British Motorcyclists Federation).
The club is self-financing, relying on membership subscriptions and fund raising event and outings for its members. We also donate money to charity each year and hold an annual Easter Egg Run for local charities.
We are a group of advanced/experienced riders, who pride ourselves in being members of an enthusiastic, sociable club – always welcoming new members.
We don’t actively train new members, but there is plenty of experience and contacts within the group to encourage rider development.
Many events are arranged for our members throughout the year. These including regular ride-outs, UK and European trips, track and off road days, the annual BBQ and dinner, bowling, karting, clay shooting and archery.
You’re welcome to pop by on any Tuesday evening from 8pm and be sure of a warm welcome

Come and meet us, we get together every
Tuesday 8:00 pm, at the Tetsworth Sports
and Social Club, Marsh End, Tetsworth OX9 7AU.
If you would like to join one of our ride-outs, or have a chat about anything else, please enter your details below and someone from the committee will be in touch.
Tetsworth Sports & Social Club,
Marsh End, Tetsworth, Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 7AU